The ArcStyler Commander

The ArcStyler Commander provides an integrated, ergonomic console interface across all ArcStyler tools and repositories as illustrated in the following screen shot. The Commander enables consistent navigation and configuration across the entire architecture while optimally supporting the iterative development process. New ArcStyler modules may be dynamically activated at any time. Once activated, they inherit the common project configuration and workspace properties used by all other tools. A powerful XML-based configuration mechanism with graphical interface supports integrated configuration at the enterprise, project, machine or user level for maximum flexibility, extensibility and control. In addition, completely new tools may be dynamically plugged into the Pure Java ArcStyler Commander including its XML configuration features with minimal effort.

An Integrated Pure Java Console Interface across all ArcStyler Tools

The Convergent Business Object Browser

The C-BOM* is an advanced CRC-based modeling tool, which assists in requirements assessment, domain modeling and the creation of the initial component and application (accessor) model û both its structure and its dynamics. It supports these critical steps using the substantiated techniques of Use-Case-based Analysis By Design, Responsibility-Driven Design and graphical Walk-Through Scenarios. Use of the C-BOM produces a well specified convergent business model and business application specification that has been debugged at the domain requirements level. These results serve both as the basis for web-based project information (HTML) and sign-off while the modeling results serve as the lossless design source for further convergent refinement to UML using the C-RAS tool.The C-BOM is the first significant step toward the automatic generation and deployment of an EJB and CORBA Components based convergent system. The C-BOM is available as a free-standing module in addition to being an integral part of the ArcStyler Tool Suite. The stand-alone module adds value to any project utilizing the powerful CRC/Use-Case Scenario techniques for requirements and business modeling.

*also available as stand-alone module

Structural Modeling and Requirements Refinement with the CRC-Technique
Dynamic Modeling with Use-Case and Walk-Through Scenario

The Convergent Refinement Assistant

The C-RAS tool graphically assists the designer in creating the UML component model from the C-BOM design results. It bridges the gap between business modeling and UML refinement based on automated convergent mapping patterns and rules as defined by the OPEN Consortium and the OMG. The result of this refinement step is a convergent design, which preserves direct visibility of the business model in the resulting UML based EJB/CCM component model. It increases quality and project progress transparence by providing bi-directional tracking to the original requirements as well as between rapid development iterations.

Assisted Creation of the UML Component Model using C-RAS

The Convergent EJB/UML Refiner for ROSE

The C-REF tool adds architecture-driven modeling assistants, component metamodel and design verifiers to Rational Rose. C-REF supports model refinement by first importing the C-RAS results from component repository and creating a well formed UML component model in Rose (the design also permits a simple, straight-forward integration with other UML CASE tools). Using extensive architectural defaults, the C-REF helps the designer make sound decisions based on clear alternatives in such critical areas as the extension of EJB/CCM component features and the complete refinement of convergent Organization, Process and Resource Components including data and control flow. Rule-based model verifiers and wizards assure that optimized EJB/CCM code will be generated while at the same time guaranteeing that a design of high architectural integrity is produced across entire teams of developers. The resulting Rose UML1.3 model is continually synchronized with the central ArcStyler repository assuring that all tools use a consistent, up-to-date component model throughout development iterations. The C-REF refinement preserves technology independence while producing results which are used by the C-GEN tool to generate an optimized system for a selected EJB or CORBA Component Container.

Assisted Development and Refinement of the EJB/CCM Component Model
ArcStyler is an RoseLink application.
UML Activity Diagram Based Refinement of Process Components


The Convergent Generator IDE

Based on model information from the ArcStyler repository, the C-GEN* uses mapping templates from one of several ArcStyler EJB-Cartridges to generate a complete, deployable EJB infrastructure optimized for a specific Java Application Server. It leverages the extensive experience of the ArcStyler designers to verify and optimally map the C-REF results to a particular EJB implementation technology.

The generator uniquely identifies regions which will contain custom business logic û the so-called business dimension of the components. These regions are marked as protected code and are encapsulated in Java source modules that will be shared (re-used) across any of the selected EJB-Cartridges. In other words, you only implement business logic once, in well defined regions, independent of the selected EJB-Container. Custom business logic may be added at any time during the incremental, iterative development cycle since the protected regions are round-trip. The generator elegantly preserves these regions and integrates them into the generation scheme. In addition, an optimized build environment has been provided for the selected EJB-Container and, optionally, custom JBuilder project files to support extremely rapid development and testing of business logic.

The C-GEN is a modern template-based translative generator, which insulates the technology-independent architecture from complex, highly volatile implementation technologies. It preserves

EJB Generation from the ArcStyler Model Repository for a Specific Java Application Server
Effective Cartridge Extension and Template Development in the Modern Generator-IDE

technology independence and longevity of the strategic business model while at the same time delivering an optimized mapping to available technology. In addition to its generation engine capabilities, the C-GEN-IDE provides a complete integrated development environment, which helps designers adapt, extend and test templates while maintaining solid architectural integrity. Its visual configuration, code inspection, debugging, testing and inspection features assure maximum developer productivity. Just as other ArcStyler modules, C-GEN effectively packages highly specialized skills in a practical form so developers can effectively add business value instead of wrestling with the complexity of a particular implementation technology.

The C-GEN-IDE is available as a free-standing module in addition to being an integral part of the ArcStyler Tool Suite. The stand-alone module adds value to any project which requires architecture-driven, translative code generation based on a powerful, open template language and integrated template development environment. It supports design input from both the ArcStyler Open UML Component Repository or from other XML-based repositories.

*The C-GEN is also available in command-line-only version.


The Convergent Business Object Browser

The C-BOB* is the modern XML-based component GUI framework provided as a standard feature of the ArcStyler Tool Suite. The framework supports rapid development of re-usable component Accessors that leverage the powerful GUI features of the pure Java Swing framework combined with the extensive Internet capabilities of XML. The C-BOB enables effective generation and enhancement of Internet-centric, zero administration graphical clients in a convergent system. The distributed components created using the ArcStyler are inherently instrumented with C-BOB features for common E-Business tasks such as component monitoring, life-cycle statistics or ad-hoc business object interaction via a standard Internet browser. This increases developer productivity by enabling ad-hoc views into the convergent system at different stages of the component life-cycle. In addition, arbitrarily complex GUI interfaces are more easily created using the composition based re-use of the C-BOB Accessor framework.

*The C-BOB is included as an integral part of the ArcStyler Suite at no additional cost.
An EJB/Internet Application Using the ArcStyler and Running in the C-BOB

Database Schema to Component Generator Tool

The systematic evolution to Internet-centric component technology often implies migrating existing business information into the convergent component model. To support effective migration of existing Relational Database Tables to Convergent Resource Components, the ArcStyler provides a graphical tool to browse, navigate and select existing database meta-information and tables.
The C-SCHEMA tool then automatically generates Resource Convergent Components from the selected information. The Resource Components are generated into the ArcStyler UML based open component model repository making them immediately available to all ArcStyler tools, including the C-REF/Rose component refiner. The generated Resource Components are first-class components, which may be re-used by other components and further refined in the ArcStyler environment. This process greatly simplifies migration and evolution by producing EJB components and underlying datamappings that correspond to the original reverse engineered database tables. The C-SCHEMA supports any JDBC compliant database, such as DB2, Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server just to name a few. Database connection, navigation, selection as well as component generation become a simple task via the pure Java C-SCHEMA GUI.

*The C-SCHEMA is included as an integral part of the ArcStyler Suite at no additional cost.
Database Migration and Component Generation using the C-SCHEMA Tool

The Canonical Convergent Components

The ArcStyler encourages the use of its powerful Convergent Component framework as envisioned by Convergent EngineeringÖ and specified by the Convergent ArchitectureÖ. The ArcStyler delivers this framework in the form of optimized templates based on the standard UML, EJB and CORBA Components metamodels. These component design templates are called äCanonical ô Convergent Components* since they maintain architectural integrity by enforcing the rules and principles of the Convergent Architecture Metamodel û the components conform to canonical principles. These Canonical Components implement the highly re-usable, complementary and harmonious features of Organization, Process and Resource abstractions, which are of indisputable value in any system design. In the spirit of Reduced Abstraction Set Computing, the ArcStyler tools directly assist developers in identifying, configuring and refining these Canonical Organization, Process and Resource Components to create unique instances for a particular design. In addition, the ArcStyler technology projections (EJB-Cartridges) and generator tool (C-GEN) provide pre-tested, optimized mapping of these Convergent Components to leading EJB-Container implementations. This synergetic combination of architectural integrity, easy-to-use but powerful component abstractions, tools which support component refinement and automatic generation of optimized EJB code enable developers to achieve unparalleled business value instead of wrestling with volatile low-level technology.

*The C-CCC is included as an integral part of the ArcStyler Suite at no additional cost. Its use is recommended but optional.


EJB-Container Specific Template Cartridges

The ArcStyler provides an automated technology mapping of the product-neutral architecture created using the ArcStyler to selected EJB-Container implementations. The EJB-Container technology may be changed without having to modify the strategic business architecture and business logic! Or, multiple EJB-Containers may be tested or supported in parallel for various special applications using the same architectural style. The ArcStyler achieves this clean separation of concerns by offering EJB-Cartridges, which are flexibly configured for use by the C-GEN tool. Each EJB-Cartridge represents the consolidated results of extensive EJB-Container testing and design by EJB experts. It contains the pre-tested, optimized templates for a particular EJB implementation environment. In addition, it delivers an optimized build process, which increases the speed of the build-deploy cycle by as much as five times. Also, project files for Inprise JBuilder are generated to simplify editing of the protected business logic in the JBuilder IDE environment. The EJB-Cartridge templates are delivered in source form, which puts an extensive knowledge pool at the fingertips of developers to extend or adapt to project specific requirements while still leveraging the ArcStyler Tool Suite and maintaining solid architectural integrity. The number of EJB-Containers and hybrid-containers supported is constantly growing. Please consult the ArcStyler web page or fact sheets for the latest list of EJB-Containers explicitly supported by the ArcStyler EJB- Cartridges.



The ArcStyler Open Component Repository SDK

The C-MOD* is the open UML-based component model repository used consistently by all ArcStyler tools throughout the complete, iterative development cycle. It may also be licensed as pure Java Software Development Kit for tool integration as part of the ArcStyler or as a free-standing development module. The C-MOD-SDK licenses the repository, its standard high-level Java/UML API, its XMI/XML import-export, its XML-based schema-migration and its optional EJB/CCM component metamodels. In addition, the rule-based model validation features used by the ArcStyler may be extended or modified using the C-MOD-SDK. Thus, the SDK may be used by developers to extend the ArcStyler Tool Suite with additional tools or for completely new repository based developments. In either case, the C-MOD-SDK adds value to any project which requires an open, pure Java repository with UML/XML standard metamodels and APIÆs for complete architectural support.

*also available as stand-alone module








Optimized Build Environments for EJB-Container

Most EJB-Container environments provide sub-optimal build support. This can lead to frustratingly slow build-deploy-test cycles even for smaller development projects. iO Software GmbH has developed optimized build support for the leading EJB-Containers as part of its ArcStyler EJB-Cartridges. These EJB-OptiBuilder modules improve build-cycle times by a factor of five in most cases, a significant improvement compared to the environment delivered with the EJB-Container. In addition to being part of the ArcStyler, these EJB-OptiBuilders are offered for purchase as stand-alone modules.

*also available as stand-alone module










ArcStyler Standard Suite:

By design, the ArcStyler modules work harmoniously together to support a full-cycle architecture-driven development effort. Maximum value is achieved when the tools are used together as a tightly integrated Architectural-IDE. The ArcStyler Standard Suite packages the modules required to support the development life-cycle starting with architecture-driven component design using UML/EJB/CCM in Rose. This single installation and license package is available for a lower price than its individual component modules. It includes the ArcStyler modules C-REF, C-MOD, C-GEN and an EJB-Cartridge with template sources.

ArcStyler Professional Suite:

The ArcStyler Professional Suite adds the modules C-BOM and C-RAS to the ArcStyler Standard Suite. These modules add support for convergent business and requirements modeling plus assisted EJB/CCM component refinement to UML/Rose.
The Professional Suite package thus provides the highest level of tool synergy and full-cycle architectural support.